Gifted and Talented

Provision for gifted students is a priority at Mount St Benedict College.

Initiatives are based on research of current best practice using the Gagne’s Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent. Gifted and Talented students have many opportunities to be involved in challenge, not only in our differentiated classrooms but also in our mentoring programs, and the extensive co-curricular programs and competitions. Gifted and Talented students are catered for by specialists trained in Gifted Education in the following ways.

Some examples where students are encouraged and supported to use and develop their gifts into talents are:

  • Differentiated curriculum - differentiated instruction is a way of maximising each student’s learning potential allowing the opportunity to work at a level appropriate to their needs. Teaching and Learning is tailored to the learning needs of each student to provide optimum challenge
  • Thinking and Learning skills curriculum
  • Enrichment/extension within classes
  • Ability grouping in challenge classes
  • Individual education plans for targeted students
  • Counselling to meet cognitive and affective needs
  • Subject and year level acceleration
  • Subject based competitions
  • Cocurricular options - including Chess Club, da Vinci Program, Future Problem Solving (additional activities can be found in the cocurricular section)
  • Year 12 Nurturing Excellence and Developing Emotional Intelligence Program - understanding self, transition from MSB to University, ex-student mentoring, inner self, careers
  • Year 7 mentoring, clustered G&T class grouping, Mathematics grouping and introduction to International Future Problem Solving Program
  • MSB Excellence Program - a five step program designed for the most able. It includes an independent research project, cocurricular commitment, reading extension, community service and leadership components.