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Our History

On February 2, 1857 five women came together to found the first Australian congregation, the Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedict.

Why Bennies?

Everyone wants their daughters to have the best education possible. MSB inspires young women and transforms the future.


‘Extension Science has provided me the opportunity to conduct my own research in fields I’m interested in, inspiring my scientific curiosity and fuelling my creativity for future experimentation.’

Grace, Year 11

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‘Maths give us the tools to tackle difficult problem-solving questions, to challenge ourselves and each other to progress and build on our skills in an engaging classroom environment.'

Rose and Katherine, Year 9

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‘Excursions are great learning experiences which also allowed us to collect primary research to assist us in our fieldwork research task. We are so grateful to be able to go on these trips and see our learning come to life.'

Charli and Eva, Year 9

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‘In ITM we are constantly being exposed to new ideas and concepts. I love being able to express my own creativity and personality through the interactive use of technology.’

Ella, Year 9