Student Wellbeing

...called by God, to listen with the ear of the heart

Rule of Benedict

The recognition of the uniqueness of each person underpins all that we do at Mount St Benedict College. Accordingly, Pastoral Care structures, developed in response to students needs, permeate the life of the College and are reflected in:

  • the teaching and learning programs
  • the rich and vital co-curricular opportunities available to the girls
  • the structures which support the sense of community in the College.

At Mount St Benedict College, we bring together the science of Positive Psychology and best teaching practice to encourage our students to flourish (optimal wellbeing) at school. Positive Education highlights students understanding of their own strengths and develops skills that our students can harness to strengthen their relationships with everyone in their world. This includes building and understand positive emotions, enhancing resilience when faced with adversity, practising mindfulness, and fostering a healthy lifestyle. It is underpinned by seeking meaning in life through service to others and providing skills in achieving personal goals. We encourage our girls to seek and cultivate the best within themselves and strike a fulfilling, manageable balance in their experiences of love, work and play.

Houses and Homerooms

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The house structure within the College plays a valuable role in the development of our students.

The houses become a community within a community, and give opportunities for closer relationships, mentoring and the expression of our Benedictine values.

There are Ten House groups named after Benedictine monasteries: Arcadia, Jamberoo, Maredsous, Monte Cassino, Montserrat, New Norcia, Scholastica, Stanbrook, Subiaco and Terracina. Each House has a House Patron, a role model from the Sisters of the Good Samaritan.

Each House takes on the responsibility of supporting one of our chosen Partners, and seeks to inspire the students to value service to others. Through this they also learn about and develop their understanding of the factors that lead to injustices and inequalities in our community.

The College’s has a vertical pastoral care structure that ensures strong relationships between students and staff. The older students provide support and are role models for the younger students. There is a House Coordinator with a team of mentor teachers for each House’s seven Homerooms, whose roles embrace the holistic vision of education we have at Mount St Benedict College. Each student is part of a Homeroom of around twenty students from Years 7 to 12. The Houses are supported by the Assistant Principal, the Dean of Wellbeing, the Learning Support Team, the Careers Advisor, and two Counsellors.

This vertical structure ensures that each girl develops an understanding of community at Mount St Benedict College. The Homerooms provide an avenue for mentoring, communication about the life of the College and are vehicles for developing and building school spirit. If you have more than one daughter at the College they will be in the same House but different Homerooms.

Student Leadership

The Merit System - Celebrating Student Success

Outdoor Education Program