College Structure
Mount St Benedict College is incorporated as a Company Limited by Guarantee. The Members of the Company represent and are accountable to Good Samaritan Education.
The Board
The College Board consists of up to 12 directors drawn from the community – they are people of goodwill from all walks of life and each brings his or her own life experiences, knowledge and gifts, and is prepared to use and share them for the benefit of the school community. The Board provides a balance of special knowledge and experience – for example: educational, legal, financial, business and human resource management.
The Board is firstly responsible to ensure that the primary educational goal of the College is fulfilled, namely, the provision of a sound contemporary Catholic education leading to human and spiritual maturity which fits students for their place in the local, national and global community.
The Board is responsible for the development of policies, their communication and ensuring that these policies are followed. In addition, the Board approves the annual budget, monitors expenditure, and oversees the financial and business management of the College, in accordance with the Corporations Act and the Constitution. The College is governed according to its Constitution.
The Board is also responsible for the selection and appointment of the Principal, who is in turn responsible for other staff appointments.