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Frequently Asked Questions
Enrolment Procedures
What do I have to do to ensure my daughter has the best chance of being offered a place at Mount St Benedict College?
Complete an online Expression of Interest and pay your $220. This can be can done for your daughter before she starts school.
What documents are required?
- Birth Certificate
- Proof of Australian Residency (if born overseas)
- Baptismal Certificate
- Immunisation Certificate
- Year 3 NAPLAN Test Results (or more recent)
- Year 4 School Report (or more recent)
What if I am not offered a position?
If a place is not available, your daughter's name will remain on the Waiting List and no Acceptance Fee is required until an Offer of Enrolment can be made.
What is the due date?
Expressions of Interest should always be lodged at your earliest opportunity.
Following the annual College Open Day, you will be asked to finalise your Application for Enrolment for entry into Y07/2027 by Friday 28 March, 2025.
When and how will I know if my Application has been successful?
Offers of Enrolment will be emailed to parents in June 2025.
Your acceptance of this offer, with a payment of an Enrolment Acceptance Fee of $2,000 is required by Monday 16 June. Please note that the Enrolment Acceptance Fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.
Enrolment offers will also be emailed at various times throughout the year for Year 7-11 (subject to availability).
When will the second round of offers be made?
This is reliant upon cancellations. Unfortunately some families choose to wait until late in the year to inform the College of their intention to relinquish their enrolment position.
Offers will be made to those families on the Waiting List as vacancies arise.
Why was I not offered a place in the first round?
The College can only offer a limited number of places each year. Our Enrolment Policy makes provision for daughters of ex-students and siblings of students currently attending the College and the date of the initial Expression of Interest is consulted.
Will I be called to an interview?
As Mount St Benedict College is not an academically selective School, the comprehensive information and documentation provided by parents within the Application for Enrolment process is sufficient for our purposes, so the College has determined that enrolment interviews will not be mandatory for all our students and parents entering Y07/2027.
However, should any family have a specific aspect relating to their daughter’s learning, high school transition, medical history or overall wellbeing which they might wish to discuss individually, a meeting can certainly be organised. This opportunity would normally be arranged during Year 6.
What is your enrolment policy?
Families who miss the Open Day can still book for the College Tour on Wednesday 26 March.
Bookings for the Tour on Friday 23 May will open after Open day.